The First Patron Initiative is an artist development program designed to give artists a foundation and stepping stone for launching sustainable art careers. During their time with FPI, the artists gain experience in developing and managing gallery and art world relationships, exhibition, studio, and gallery operations, art history and art business education, programmatic collaboration, community engagement projects, professional critiques, and the opportunity to have their work put into a private collection to be on a rotating exhibition schedule at future CAN Museum locations and public spaces. Once an artist participates in FPI, they may take residency in different CAN locations. In this way, the Foundation provides a life-long relationship that supports the growth and development of an artist’s career over time.
The FPI is a contemporary system that is a blend of historical methodologies aiming to develop and sustain art markets. The program is built to mirror Walter Hopps’ 5 points, incorporates strategies from Federal Project Number One (a subdivision of the Works Projects Administration under the umbrella of the New Deal) endorsed and implemented by Eleanor Roosevelt, and contains elements of the Renaissance artists’ workshops.
The First Patron Initiative benefits participating communities, cities, and states in a number of ways. It provides globally relevant art experiences, activities, education and purposeful engagement for the community at large. The program encourages tourism through exhibitions and public art, showcasing the work of top emerging talent. In exchange for living quarters and stipends, and studio space, The CAN Foundation, in collaboration with stakeholders obtains (an agreed upon amount of) works of the FPIs artists in residence. These works will contribute to a growing collection, culminating in contemporary arts museums in locations where the programs are present.
Asa Jackson, Hampton Boyer, Mahari Chabwera, Nastassja Swift, Adewale Alli
Notable accomplishments during residency:
Asa Jackson’s work acquired by Capital One
Hampton Boyer’s work acquired by Starbucks
Mahari Chabwera mentioned as a standout by Artsy
Hampton Boyer and Nastassja Swift featured in a Warby Parker x Iamother campaign
The resident artists participated in a show at 1708 Gallery
Nastassja Swift Receives Black Box Press Art as Activism Grant, culminating solo exhibition travels to Galveston, Texas
Asa Jackson becomes Chair of Virginia Commission for the Arts